Development Setup with nox

Note: nox is the older way of setting up development environment. This section is stale. If you find nox helpful consider updating this section

Initial Setup

Junction’s development workflow is automated using nox. Thus, you need the nox command to be installed on your system. We recommend using pipx to install nox in its own isolated environment.

$ python -m pip install pipx
$ pipx install nox

You will need to have a working Redis server on your system. You may additionally want to install Postgres, although it is optional.


On Debian based systems, these can be installed using:

$ sudo apt install redis-server postgres


Create a “settings” file for local development with Django.

$ cp settings/ settings/

Create the database structure and populate it with sample data.

$ nox -- migrate --noinput
$ nox -- sample_data

Admin Access

When sample data is generated with nox -- sample_data, a superuser is created with the username admin and password 123123.


Working on Junction’s frontend requires NodeJS and yarn to be installed on your system. The frontend is built using grunt. To setup the working environment, run the following:

$ cd junction/static
$ yarn install

Development workflow

Frontend Autobuilding

Junction has a Grunt configuration that is useful when working on the frontend. The following command starts a build watcher which rebuilds the frontend on every file change.

$ grunt

For ease of development app.css is checked in to the source code. It is not recommended to directly make changes to app.css, rather update the less files and run grunt, then commit app.css


Junction’s nox configuration is set up to invoke when no other session (i.e. -s ...) is specified. This also automatically sets up an isolated environment that contains the dependencies of Junction.

$ nox  # equivalent to 'python'
$ nox -- runserver  # equivalent to 'python runserver'
$ nox -- migrate  # equivalent to 'python migrate'

Running tests

For running the tests, run:

$ nox -s test

Running linters

For running the linters, run:

$ nox -s lint

Building documentation

For building the documentation, run:

$ nox -s docs